Emerging Africa Group
Gwong MFB
Who We Are

Providing micro funding options to farmers and SMEs.
Gwong MFB Activities Achievement
Business Collaboration with
Ginger Farmers -
Credit Facilities to Micro Business
Gwong Microfinance Bank Limited has worked with over 500 Ginger farmers in 2023 and is working with a target of around 3,500 ginger farmers for the 2024 farming season. The farmers we work with are mostly clustered into groups or cooperatives to access our agricultural loan facilities at competitive interest rates and on a flexible repayment term. Over 90% of these farmers/cooperatives operate within the Southern Kaduna part of Kaduna State. It is worthy to note that 100% of these farmers are small landholder farmers, a category of farmers that most financial institutions flee from extending loan facilities to. The Bank has extended loan facilities in excess of NGN100 million to famers in the last 12 months.
Gwong Microfinance Bank also works with micro business owners with the sole aim of enriching their stock values and thus enriching their livelihoods. The Bank has extending loan facilities in excess of NGN50 Million to such categories of businesses. Over 80% of the micro businesses we work with resides withing Southern Kaduna of Kaduna State. Gwong Microfinance Bank’s financial inclusion effort, therefore, focuses on promoting a savings culture, access to credit facilities for income-generation purposes, and reducing vulnerability to risks through micro insurance. The Bank’s major lending strategic plan deploys both the group and the individual lending methodology in its operations with a leaning toward women, youth and micro-entrepreneurs. It believes in the commitment of women and youth folks and micro businesses to work hard and help their families conquer poverty. This explains why the management in its resolve to bring the banking services nearer to the rural people embarked on massive awareness drive through electronic and print media, intimating rural dwellers of the importance of Microfinance Banking to their overall well-being.
Our Product Offerings
Banking Services
Loans & Advances
Digital Banking Services
SME Finance
MFB Team
Terms and Conditions